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Should you encounter any problems using or getting started with Kitsat, keep applying these solutions to your problem. If none of the solutions seem to help, please contact Kitsat support.


Problem 1: Satellite is not detected by PC, GS shows 'Standby' status

Groundstation Standby

Reason 1: ST-Link Driver has failed to install automatically

Solution: Manually install ST-Link Driver


If you did not see a notification about an automatic ST-Link driver installation, this automatic installation has failed and you need to install the driver manually. You can obtain this driver from the Spaceplace Folder:

Software > Drivers

After installing the driver, the computer must be restarted.


Reason 2: The satellite battery is empty

Solution: Charge the battery for 30 minutes

Satellite battery may be empty. In this case, it cannot make contact immediately. Turn off the satellite and plug it into PC or travel adapter. Keep charging the battery for 30 minutes.


Reason 3: Satellite requires hard reset

Solution: Hard reset satellite

If the satellite stops responding, it may need to be hard reset. To do this, plug off the satellite from PC and turn it off. Keep the satellite off for at least 60 seconds.

Press the RST switch in the OBC board when you switch on the satellite again. The satellite should now be hard reset.


Reason 4: Multiple GS client programs opened

Solution: Close redundant GS programs

Once the Ground station software is opened, it reserves the access to the connected device. If multiple Ground station windows are accidentally opened, the newest opened windows will not be able to access the connected device, and they should be closed.


5: Still not working?

Solution: Re-flash satellite firmware


If none of the previous steps helped, the satellite software may be corrupted.

To fix this, connect the satellite to your PC and open your File Manager (see image below). You should see device named ‘NUCLEO_F401RE’ connected. This is the satellite OBC.


OBC Connected















Download the latest satellite firmware from here:


Then locate the downloaded .bin file with your file manager.

After that, drag & drop your firmware file (mbedos5-kitsat.bin) to the satellite OBC root folder (see image below).


Firmware update instructions



After drag&drop, the satellite OBC should start flashing LEDs, which means it is upgrading its firmware. When done, it automatically prompts to a new file manager window and shows a file called ‘DETAILS.txt’.

Rare solution: Manually install FTDI Driver

FTDI driver is used by many printers and should be found in most Windows computers. In some rare cases, the FTDI driver is not present.


FTDI driver can be obtained here:


Problem 2: Groundstation not detected by PC, GS shows 'Standby' status


Reason 1: ST-Link Driver has failed to install automatically


Refer to Problem 1 solution 1.


Reason 2: Satellite was connected previously

Solution: Restart the grounstation program


Unplug the groundstation device and restart the ground station program.


Problem 3: Can't connect to the satellite with Ground station

Reason 1: Satellite ID not selected

Solution: Select satellite ID from the top left pane.


Reason 2: The satellite is switched off or booting

Solution: Turn on the satellite and wait for 15 seconds.


Reason 3: Radio packet loss

Solution: Move the satellite to a closer location and wait for 15 seconds.


Reason 4: Satellite is run out of battery

Solution: Refer to Problem 1 Solution 2.


Hardware problems


Problem 4: Battery is empty and will not charge

Solution: Contact support

The battery is empty, if you switch on the satellite and none of the LEDs turn on.

If the battery will not be charged even if the satellite is connected to a PC for 2 hours, this is an indication of an EPS failure. Please contact support.


Problem 5: The ground station software crashes when satellite is sending image data

Solution: Contact support


This is an indication of OBC memory failure. Please contact support.